
Education is the biggest barrier in my learning-Einstein (PTE essay solved)

The only thing that interferes with my leaning is my education- Einstein. What does he mean by that? And do you think he is correct? Formal education tends to limit the thinking you can do about a subject. For instance, you know and accept that the Law of Gravity is valid. You've been taught that in school. Therefore, you are not going to waste your time trying to get around it.  By the time people get their degrees, they can't see simple solutions to problems. Einstein recognized that education also limits the mind and felt he learned more by doing research without the confines of the degree. Einstein was a genius, so he had to more or less, self educate on his own to be able to be smarter then he already was. If education would have been so high level to teach Einstein to the levels he was running for, He would have really accomplished way more than what he did. That’s why education is such a high priority in today’s world, so that everyone has a chance to be the...

PTE new essay Should richer natons help poorer nations for their develpoment?

Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas. The development of any nation lies in the improvement of the health, education and trade of that country. Keeping good health keeps you mentally and physically fit which is essential for people to contribute towards their country.  It is said that the stronger the foundation, the stronger will be the building. Similarly education forms the base on which many talents have to be nourished. So an education with strong values and principles will form the groundwork, and shape a path for many able and genius scholars. Furthermore the trade is essential to keep up with the basic economic requirements of any country. The flourishing of business activities is directly proportional to the development of any nation. Richer nations play a vital role in cultivating and ...

PTE Describe Image

                        PTE DESCRIBE IMAGE

PTE for Re-order paragraphs

                         RE-ORDER PARAGRAPHS QUESTION-1 1971 war changed the political geography of the subcontinent Despite the significance of the event. There has been no serious book about the conflict Surrender at Dacca aims to fill this gap   It also profoundly altered the geo-strategic situation in South-East Asia QUESTION-2 1). Nonetheless, Tocqueville was only one of the first of a long line of thinkers to worry whether such rough equality could survive in the face of a growing factory system that threatened to create divisions between industrial workers and a new business elite. 2)."The government of democracy brings the nation of political rights to the level of the humblest citizens. He wrote," Just as the dissemination of wealth brings the notion of property within the reach of all the members of the community". 3). Tocqueville was fa...

In a war of ideas PTE essay solved

 “In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed”. Does a common man suffer from a group’s ideology? Express your opinion, and support the same with reasons and examples? While reading the statement there are lot of things that can be said on war of ideas” first of all I will clear this statement that war of ideas means the decision which is made on spot. I am partially agreed with statement and give my viewpoints in upcoming paragraphs. Firstly elaborating, it can be said that there are lot of steps  taken by politicians such as Russia that threw bombs on Yemen to kill members of terrorist group “lakshar-e-Taliban”, so by these steps peace cannot be maintained and it would not be good for mankind. Numerous countries join the international meeting against the terrorists in USA. Secondly, if discussing about cons of this statement are that some countries that give orders to attack on other countries to kill terrorists like America and Russia, but in some situatio...

xenophobia PTE essay

Xenophobia has accelerated rapidly in the Western countries. According to you what solutions can be proposed by the government and individuals? A person who is fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or of people from different countries or cultures. but these xenophobia is elevating rapidly in the western countries it is having numerous causes as well as to kick off, Like all phobias, there is no universally specific cause that leads to the development of xenophobia but s ome symptoms show that if it left untreated it can have some dangerous effects like Distrust aimed specifically towards cultures perceived by the phobic to be different. Rash generalizations and stereotypes aimed at a set of people who can be identified by superficial qualities and Finding abusive and prejudiced behavior humorous. On the other hand, some possible solutions can be proved helpful to combat this problem firstly mental health therapy can be fruitful for ...