1. Piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water from all the sides?
- island
2. Piece of land that is almost (from 3 sides) surrounded by water?
- peninsula
3. Person in-charge of a Football Match?
- referee
4. Person who watched at a show, game or other event?
- spectator
5. Last game in a sporting competition which decides the champion?
- final
6. Painting / photograph / sculpture of a person's head?
- portrait
7. Painting of countryside / Nature views?
- landscape
8. Medical practitioner sepcializing in children and their diseases?
- paediatrician
9. Specialist in treating disorders related to heart / blood vessels?
- cardiologist
10. Organs in the Chest that helps us to breath?
- lungs
11. Organ that is responsible for pumping blood in our body?
- heart
12. Study of living things?
- biology
13. Study of interactions among organism and their environment?
- ecology
14. Study of stars and other celestial objects?
- astronomy
15. Medical instrument used for listening hearts sounds or breathing?
- stethoscope
16. Optical instrument used by Astronomers to make distant objeccts appear nearer?
- telescope
17. An apartment located below street level?
- basement apartment
18. Apartment on the higest floor of an apartment building?
- penthouse
19, What is the name of ground military forces? 
– army
20. What is someone that can’t see called?
- blind
21. What do you call the middle of something?
- centre
22. Whose job is it to treat people that are ill or have an injury at a hospital?
- doctor
23. What is the process of teaching and learning called?
– education
24. What kind of book is written by a person about their own life?
25. What is the red liquid that flows through a body?
26. What is the payment of a students education by an organization called?
- scholarship
27. What is piece of paper with official information written on it?
- document
28. What is the name of a building where you can borrow books?
- library
29. Who is a person that makes bread, cakes and pastries?
– baker
30. What organ controls your speech, feelings, body movement and thoughts? 
– brain
31. What piece of equipment shows a person what direction they are traveling? 
– compass
32. What is a series of events that happen in your mind while you are sleeping?
– dream
33. What is a that person belongs to an organization called?
- member
34. Who cuts men’s hair? 
– barber
35. What is it called when two or more people are speaking to each other? 
– conversation
36. What is a violent conflict between two or more countries? 
– war
37. What do you call the number of people living in a specific area?
– population
38. What do you call a person that can’t hear? 
– deaf
39. What is the day that someone is born?
– birthday
40. What plan shows how much money is available and how it will be spent?
– budget
41. What is the name of a system of government in which the people elect their leaders?
– democracy
42. What planet do we live on?
– earth
43. What is the job of someone that looks after your teeth and gums?
– dentist
44. What is the time period before noon is called? 
– ante meridian
45. What is the time after noon called?
– post meridian
46. What organ do cardiologists specialize in? 
– heart
47. A long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river is called?
- valley
48. What is 3/4th of percentage called as?
- 75%
49. Circumference, radius, diameter form which geometrical shape?
- circle
50. What does an optic person deal with?
- spectacles
51. If you have pain in teeth whom do you consult?
- dentist
52. Name the device of computer having name same to that of an animal.
- mouse
52. How many years are in a decade?
- 10 years
53. Whenever a person goes to an interview, would he be in an enthusiastic mood or sad mood?
- enthusiastic mood
54. What special document do most people carry during international travels?
- passport
55. What would you call one half of the percentage?
- 0.005
56. What do we call the alphabetical list, at the end of the book, that tells you where to find specific information ?
- index
57. At what ceremony, the students receive their degree or diploma at end of their study ?
- graduation day
58. What is the chemical formula of water ? 
- H2O
59. What is the name of H2o?
- water
60. Which Animal is not a mammal? Butterfly, cow or Goat?
- butterfly
61. How many years you study for an Undergraduate program?
- 3 years
62. If you forget the way what will you buy to find your destination?
- map
63. If something is POST ,then what does Post mean?
- after
64. In hospitals and other shops who gives medicine?
- pharmacist
65. If you face any heart related issue whom you will contact?
- cardiologist
66. What do people wear, if they cant see very well?
- spectacles
67. In which branch of science, periodic table comes?
- chemistry
68. When something comes at halt , what does this mean ?
- stop
69. After secondary education, students can study in colleges as well as....?
- universities
70. If a button has come out of shirt, what would someone most likely use to put it back on ?
- needle
71. What general part of the day is known as dawn?
- morning
72. What does king or queen wear on their head at official ceremonies ?
- crown
73. What are winter , spring ,summer and autumn?
- seasons
74. What is the sweet food produced by bees ?
- honey
75. What do we call organs in our chest that we use to breathe ?
- lungs
76. In English calendar, if March comes before april, then which month will come after April?
- may
77. An older unmarried woman
- spinster
78. Sleep enjoyed in the afternoon
- siesta
79. Language which is confused and unintelligible
- jargon
80. The one who has no money
- pauper
81. A man whose wife is dead
- widower
82. A place where dead bodies are kept
- mortuary
83. One whose business is to find out criminals
- detective
84. The government runs by the dictator
- autocracy
85. One who prepares plans for buildings
- architect
86. A great lover of books
- bibliophile
87. A place where fishes are kept
- aquarium
88. One who tests eyesight and sells spectacles
- optician
89. The science of animal life
- zoology
90. One who kills animals and sells their flesh
- butcher
91. A disease which spreads by contact
- contagious disease
92. A man who thinks only for himself
- egoistic
93. An animal living both on land in water
- amphibian
94. A building for keeping and feeding horses in
- stable
95. A string of beads used for counting prayers
- rosary
96. A government publication relating to order, notification, etc.
- gazette
97. Art and science dealing with language
- grammar
98. A vehicle to carry dead bodies
- hearse
99. A grass eating animal
- herbivorous
100. Things of different nature
- heterogeneous
101. The point where the earth and sky seem to meet.
- horizon
102. Someone who is fond of entertaining guests
- hospitable
103. A serpent with many heads
- hydra
104. One who pretends to be what he is not
- hypocrite
105. Worship of idols
- idolatry
106. A handwriting that cannot be read
- illegible
107. A sound that cannot be heard
- inaudible
108. Incapable of being burnt
- incombustible
109. Something that cannot be believed
- incredible
110. Something that cannot be cured
- incurable
111. Something that cannot be avoided
- inevitable
112. Something that cannot be explained
- explicable
113. The act of killing an infant
- infanticide
114. Not limited by person or number
- infinite
115. Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned
- inflammable
116. That cannot be satisfies
- insatiable
117. The one who is unable to pay his debts
- insolvent
118. Something that is not applicable
- irrelevant
119. A one who travels from place to place
- itinerant
120. Anything which is related to youth and young
- juvenile
121. An animal of Australia with great leaping power
- kangaroo
122. One who know many languages
- linguist
123. The eclipse of moon
- lunar
124. Animals which give milk
- mammals
125. Handwritten book
- manuscript
126. A person who die for his country
- martyr
127. One for whom the money is the most important thing
- materialistic
128. A cinema show which is held in the afternoons
- matinee
129. Belonging to the middle ages
- medieval
130. Very particular about very small details
- meticulous
131. Someone who moves from one place to another
- migratory
132. A person who does not believe in the institution of marriages
- misogamist
133. A person who hates woman
- misogynist
132. A government by a king or a queen
- monarchy
133. The practice of having one wife or husband
- monogamy
134. Medicine which induces sleep
- narcotic
135. One who is a new comer
- neophyte
136. Person publicly authorized to draw up or attest contracts etc
- notary
137. One who is new to a trade or profession
- novice
138. Article of food rich in nutrition
- nutritive
139. Having a lot of fat in one’s body
- obesity
140. A notice of death in a newspaper
- obituary
141. A thing no longer in use
142. A study of ocean
- oceanography
143. All powerful, possessing complete power and authority
- omnipotent
144. A one who is presents everywhere
- omnipresent
145. A one who knows everything
- omniscient
146. An animal that eats any kind of food
- omnivorous
147. One who look at the bright side of the thing
- optimist
148. A person without mother and father
- orphan
149. A place where orphans live
- orphanage
150. One who believe in traditional values
- orthodox
151. A supposed cure for all diseases or problems
- panacea
152. Study of disease
- pathology
153. Killer of one’s own father
- patricide
154. Properties inherited from one’s father
- patrimony
155. One who loves his/ her country?
- patriot
156. Payment made in consideration of past service 
– pension
157. One who looks on the dark side of things?
- pessimist
158. Lover of mankind
- philanthropist
159. Study of stamp collection
- philately
160. Study of words and their roots
- philology
161. The study of the body
- physiology
162. One who leads others
- pioneer
163. One who copies from other writers?
- plagiarist
164. A government by the rich
- plutocracy
165. The practice of having many wives
- polygamy
166. One who know many languages
- polyglot
167. A figure with many angles or sides
- polygon
168. A place where ships seek shelter
- port
170. A book published after the death of its author
- posthumous
171. Medical examination of a dead body
- postmortem
172. A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature
- postscript
173. Water fit for drinking
- potable
174. An animal that preys on other animals
- predator
175. To form an opinion against anybody baselessly
- prejudice
176. Tendency to quarrel
- pugnacity
177. One who is particular about the purity of one's language
- purist
178. The study of ancient societies
- archeology
179. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power
- intellectual
180. What is the list of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting called
- agenda
181. One who possesses many talent is referred as
- versatile
182. A person who is above hundred years
- centenarian
183. A flesh eating plant
– carnivores
184. A game in which no one wins
– draw
185. A life history written by oneself
- autobiography
186. A person with evil reputation
- notorious
187. A paper written by hand is known as
- manuscript
188. detailed plan of journey-
- itinerary
189. The environment related to organisms is called as
- ecology
190. A thing that is fit to be eaten
- edible
191. An exact copy
- facsimile
192. Anything that leads to death
- fatal
193. A person who eats too much
- glutton
194. Likely to break apart easily-
- brittle
195. A person living in a foreign country
- foreigner
196. Perceptible to ear-
- audible
197. One who does not make mistakes
- infallible
198. One who goes on foot
- pedestrian
199. The science which treats with life
- biology
200. What are the words called which have the same meaning
- synonym
201. A person living at the same time as another
- contemporary
202. Through which light cannot pass
- opaque
203. A man dances to the tunes of his wife
- henpecked
204. An instrument for viewing object at a distance
- telescope
205. Cure of all diseases
- panacea
206. Custom of many husbands
- polygamy
207. What is fear of water called
- hydrophobia
208. A woman whose husband is dead
- widow
209. That which is against law
Answer: illegal
210. Things of same nature
- homogenous
211. A list of names. Books
- catalogue
212. A pleasant song used for causing children to sleep
- lullaby
213. A school for small children
- kindergarten
214. A coworker in the same institution is a colleague or a peer
- colleague
215. An assembly of hearers at a conference or concert
- audience
216. A shed for motor cars
- garage
217. A medicine that prevents infection by killing germs
- antiseptic
218. Arena is a
- a place for wrestling
219. What is a dormitory?
- sleeping room in an institution
220. Grand central terminal, Park Avenue, new york is the world’s largest:-
- the largest railway station
221. Entomology is the science that studies
- insects
222. How many bones do a human being has?
- 206
223. How many intestines does a human being has?
- 2
224. What is baby called when in the womb of mother?
- foetus
225. How many players are there in football team?
- 11
226. Which one is a domesticated animal: cat, camel or tiger
- cat
227. The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are called what?
- ribs
228. The two holes in your nose are called?
- nostrils
229. The meet of cow is known as – beef or pork
- beef
230. Are human’s omnivore, herbivore or carnivore?
- omnivore
231. What is the sweet substance made by bees?
- honey
232. What is the capital of Italy- Rome or Tokyo?
- Rome
233. Trying to predict the weather is known as weather _______
- forecasting
234. The place where fishes are kept is known as
- aquarium
235. Archery is the national sport of which country-
- Bhutan
236. What instrument is used to measure angles in geometry?
- protractor
237. Which size of the newspaper is smaller? Tabloid or broadsheet
- tabloid
238. How many milligrams in a gram?
- 1000
239. What is the largest cat in the world?
- tiger
240. Who is the president of USA?
- Barack Obama
241. In what season do apples most commonly mature?
- autumn
242. Which is the largest fish in the world?
- whale or shark
243. Which is the tallest animal on the earth-giraffe or zebra?
- giraffe
244. Who takes care of the sheep?
- shepherd
245. Which is the highest mountain in the world?
- mount Everest
246. What is the antonym of content?
- dissatisfied
247. What is the antonym of anxiety?
- calmness
248.What is the cry of lion called?
- roar
249. What does this picture describe?
- sports


1) A long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river is called?
2) What is 3/4th of percentage called as?
Ans- 75%
3) Circumference, radius, diameter form which geometrical shape?
Ans- Circle.
4) What does an optic person deal with?
Ans- Spectacles
5) If u have pain in teeth whom do you consult?
Ans- Dentist
6)Name the device of computer having name same to that of an animal.
Ans- Mouse
7)How many years are in a decade?
Ans-10 Years
8)Whenever a person goes to an interview, would he be in an enthusiastic mood or sad mood?
Ans- Enthusiastic mood
7)What special document do most people carry during international travels?
Ans- Passport
8)What would you call one half of the percentage?
9) What do we call the alphabetical list, at the end of the book, that tells you where to find specific information ?
10) At what ceremony, the students receive their degree or diploma at end of their study ?
Ans-Graduation day
11) what is the chemical formula of water ? Or what is the name of H2o?
Ans-H2o or Water
12) Which Animal is not a mammal? Butterfly, cow or Goat?
13)How many years you study for an Undergraduate program?
Ans- 3 years
14)If you forget the way what will you buy to find your destination?
Ans-A map
15)If something is POST ,then what does Post mean?
Ans- “Post” means after and “Pre” means before.
16) In hospitals and other shops who gives medicine?
17) If you face any heart related issue whom you will contact?
Ans- Cardiologist
18) – what do people wear, if they cant see very well?
Ans- spectacles
19) In which branch of science, periodic table comes?
Ans- Chemistry
20) when something comes at hault , what does this mean ?
21) After secondary education, students can study in colleges as well as….?
22) If a button has come out of shirt, what would someone most likely use to put it back on ?
Ans-Needle and thread
23) what general part of the day is known as dawn?
Ans-morning time
24) what does king or queen wear on their head at official ceremonies ?
25) what are winter , spring ,summer and autumn?
26) what is the sweet food produced by bees ?
27) what do we call organs in our chest that we use to breathe ?
28) In English calendar, if March comes before April, then which month will come after April?
Ans- May
IMAGE Based Questions:-
1) Two girls are doing something on laptop. What are they doing?
Ans- Browsing Internet
2) Male and female table and their designations are given. What is the name of female employee in the table?
Ans- Elizibath (Female)
3) A windmill is given in the picture. Name this device which is used to generate electricity?
4) A telephone is circulated (Inside Circle). What is the item which is circulated?
Ans- The Telephone
5) A table with 4 to 5 rows and columns with different course names? How many courses the student took?
6) A table is given with different years and months. What is the Preceding year of April?
Ans- Preceding means previous year
7) An image showing a big indoor stadium. What is this building?
Ans- An indoor stadium
8) Look at the table and find sales of which product were increasing every month. 5-6 products were given and only sales of one product was increasing every month.
9) An image of sunrise is given. What is this image showing? Dawn or Dusk?
Ans- Dawn
10) Data is table is given showing bus timing, Stations and departure and arrivals. What was the departure time of bus from a particular station.
11) An image was given and girl was sitting and paper was in the air. What is happening to the paper? Ans- Scattering/ Its getting scattered.
12) An image was given in which 2-3 people had glasses(funnel shaped) in their hand.What are these people doing?
Ans- Experiment.
13) A paint in going on in background and a man is wearing gloves. Why is man wearing gloves?
Ans-He is doing painting
14) A person was wearing goggles blue in colour. What is this person wearing?
Ans- Goggles
15) People are doing something in space on moon. Where are these people?
Ans- On the Moon.
16) A butterfly is shown in an image.How does the butterfly fly?
Ans- With wings.


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